There is hardly any far right. There are disaffected working class people who have been told for years to turn the other cheek.

Who have seen the police take the knee at protests and violence during lock down for a cause that had fuck all to do with us.

We have seen Muslims rape our daughters and blow them

Up at pop concerts. Behead soldiers in the street. Murder our politicians. Cause our teachers to go in to hiding. We have seen them riot and seen the politicians say “tut tut, blame them not for they are innocents and our sins have caused it”. Then we see the police back off and any complaints shut down as fascism and bigotry. We even saw our parliament stop a debate for fear of the Muslim peace makers kicking off outside our own parliament. But still don’t look back in anger. Then in the last two weeks a soldier is stabbed. Two police women are viciously attacked. A woman is raped and murdered by two men and then three girls are murdered in a knife attack. We aren’t told about identities. We are told the attack was not terrorism. But we know the authorities have a code. If they’re white and working class the identity is freely given. The cause discussed. The perpetrator condemned. They made the code. The code backfired. But the pot has been boiling for twenty years or more.

One riot in Leeds. The politicians frown. Call for peace. The police run away. Some children were taken in to care. The children were returned. Two weeks later, three children were stabbed to death, 8 injured. Two adults maimed. The unruly white working class bigots revolt. Now the prime minister addresses the population. It’s the far right. We will give the police the powers to destroy them. We haven’t any money but we’ll give the mosques more to defend themselves. Fuck the synagogues and churches. Kick out the prisoners and make room for these filthy animals. Twenty four hour courts. Round the clock war on these pigs.

But they’re not pigs. They’re world weary working class people who have nowhere left to go. Nowhere to be heard. And the elites, the left and the media made them like they do all of their monsters.

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Yes, there are white working class people who feel disenfranchised, who are angry. However, the likes of Tommy Robinson do not care about them. He has sold them a lie about the reasons for the difficulties they face. Throughout history, the 'other' has always been blamed. The far right are experts in finding a convenient scapegoat. This is nothing new. Look back at the history of the UK. Nothing justifies the extreme violence we have seen recently. You will note that 'Tommy' was sunning himself abroad during the violence.

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Hi Clare. Thank you for your thoughts. When you talk of scape goats I personally feel that TR is that also. It is a way to obfuscate the issues by making bogey men. Same with Farage and now even Douglas Murray. I would argue that tarring all white working class as far right thugs is othering, as evidenced by a failure to acknowledge the issues they face and the difference in their treatment through the justice system and with policing. In 2011 Starmer as DPP was hard on rioters, but he also said we need to look at the root causes. He feels no such sentiment now.

I am a white working class man from a poor area of Bradford which is now predominantly Muslim. Of late asylum seekers too. It is not the same place I grew up in and loved. A place bristling with civic pride and neighbourliness is now neglected and derelict with a palpable air of danger and hostility. I could give you a long list of the challenges you have to face in these areas, but it would take a long time to write and probably put you off reading it. My family and I are not unthinking illiterate idiots. We know the causes of most of it. We trusted people to listen and help. Instead we are considered pariahs. We are running out of options and instead of being considered we are pilloried by people with luxury beliefs who do not have to live with the consequences of their dinner party thought experiments.

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I don't think that white working class people are all far right thugs. I come from a working class family. My point is, I agree that their concerns are not being addressed. TR and Farage are providing the wrong answer to these real concerns. It is political opportunism. Farage is a career politician, faux working class, man of the people- he is neither of these things.

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Don't forget the war Russia is waging on us.

All these thugs are Putin.

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Zionists and Jews are fervent advocates for open borders. You would do well to take a look in the mirror, but that seems impossible for your kind.

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What point do you think you’re making?

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I want to know why religious Jews seem incapable of self-reflection. They are not the only ones, but it's an issue that is particularly acute with your people.

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Oh, I see, you’re an antisemite. OK.

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True, to an extent. But the question is *why* people are antisemitic.

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I think it's essential you read Everyday Hate. It will answer your questions, but I don't think you want to hear the answers.

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Why would I read propaganda from Dave Rich? We have had eight years of this.

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The story of my country since the financial crisis. I am certain that you already know that NOBODY will ever acknowledge the role of street politics in normalising hate. It’s a thing of the Left and this comes from a Liberal. Sociologist Eva Illouz too has written some brilliant and insightful articles in Haaretz about those who normalise antisemitism in the name of freedom of expression in the streets. Decent people won’t stop fighting hate but we must know that it’s hopeless.

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