Extraordinary that he won his appeal - Who on earth was on the panel that exonerated him?

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Isn't it just.

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He is currently expounding on X his BS theory on why the far right are attacking mosques and rioting. I'll give you a summary - It's the Jews what done it.... sorry no... it's the Zionists what done it. https://x.com/tracking_power/status/1819696060941627553?s=46&t=O-GYJNkqGIsUy1pnVjpedA

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Typical. He’s insane.

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Wonder if there are any legal grounds for Bristol Uni to reclaim payment of what Miller won in his unfair dismissal tribunal.

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What an utterly vile human being he is.

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deletedJun 14
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Really grim. Example: “In Britain, an opinion poll revealed that 54 per cent of respondents aged 18 to 24 agreed with the statement: “The State of Israel should not exist.”

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deletedJun 14
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Press TV is financed by the Ayatollahs. They’re notorious.

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