It’s a tragedy to that you have had to write these views. The Dark has risen. May we see light again in the future. Shame on all those who can’t see it

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“For these things do I weep, My eyes flow with tears.” (Lamentations 1:16)

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Any remaining sympathy I might have had for the Palestinian cause died on the 7th October 2023, when Hamas drowned it in blood.

I have never been able to unsee that photograph of a Hamas killer squatting on Shani Louk's body in the back of a pickup truck.

Anyone who could look at that image & still support that "movement" (& I know far worse was done) is beyond redemption.

For the SWP & their ilk, this is (or should be) the time they are finally lumped in the same class as their Islamist Einsatzgruppen friends, & the white racist far-right they've always claimed to oppose - & now resemble so closely that any difference of belief is trivial & irrelevant.

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That’s what’s confusing to me. It’s the left that supports Hamas, but they’re constantly fear-mongering about far right fascists and Nazis. But they’re supportive of actual Nazis and Hamas is probably one of the most illiberal groups on Earth. I don’t get it.

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With the Marxist far-left I think it grows out of their dualism, everything is right/left, good/bad etc (religious zealots & the far-right also do this). Coupled with being stuck in a Cold War/decolonisation time warp, where West & 3rd world allies = right-wing/bad so anti-western 3rd world = left-wing/good.

Confronted with an anti-western far-right movement like Islamism, their (to them) all-important overarching framework doesn't work, but their ideological commitment to it means they won't let it go. So they "resolve" it (in their own minds at least) by slotting Hamas & Al-Fatah into a left-wing stereotype, & Israel (easily the most "left-wing" society in the region by a long way) into a right-wing one.

It's Procrustian politics, reality must bend to fit the theory.

There's also a refusal to accept that Left-wing antisemitism can even exist ("it's right-wing to be racist, therefore only right-wing people are racist" sort of argument) & a shocking level of ignorance of how Islamism was directly inspired by the Blackshirts & the SS, also of the influence of German nationalism in particular on Arab nationalism, & of both 3rd Reich & Soviet propaganda on antisemitism in the Muslim world.

Since the 1970s they've also become increasingly marginalised, both within wider left-wing politics & society in general, & that can fuel an extremist desperation to have an influence, any influence, a craving for importance to hide the fear of irrelevance.

I accept that none of this explains the full horror of what we're seeing from them now, post 7th October. I'm unable to understand that. But I think the background to it may lie in what I've listed above.

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First read of the day along with my first coffee and my anger and blood pressure went through the roof.

Fuckem Fuckem All.

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May Hamas rot in hell.

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Hell is too good, and satan said uh uh to pieces of shit like this.

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In total agreement! Bravo!

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There are no innocents in Gaza. Resettlement has worked with populations that share generational hatreds. Think India and Pakistan. Greece and Turkey and dozens of others.

Gazan resettlement is the answer. That is if any of the 21 Arab League countries will take them.

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Never forgive and never forget 🧡🧡🧡

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Hell would be too kind!

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I have zero patience or respect for any pro-Palestine person after this. I am done listening and trying to empathize with these moron, morally bankrupt Western “liberals.”

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I'm not sure whether anger or grief are most uppermost in me. And I am only a distant bystander. What it must be like for the families and friends of the murdered victims (and everyone else) in Israel itself is beyond me.

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@Paul "bray" You try to make it sound like the Arabs were offering dead bodies as a himanitain gesture. All I hear is the sound of a donkey with an Arab dick in its arse. Get your head out of your arse. They want the release of live monsters for bodies of innocent children. Look in the mirror Paul, look deep into your own eyes and into your soul. Picture the murdered red-haired babies and their terrified mother. Replace those images with faces of your wife, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, parents and then leave your loved ones there for 500 days. Picture them cowering in a dark and filthy vermin-infested tunnel. Picture and hear their thoughts as they pray and wait for you to rescue them. Imagine their last desperate thoughts. Live their terror. The dead Arabs are simply cannon fodder for cowards and human shields for scum that sacrificed them on the alter of an evil god-thing.

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Pro-Fakestine Marxists are accomplices to kidnapping and murder.

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Sometimes there are no words

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The only good Palestinian terrorist is a dead one.

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*Breaking:* The IDF informs that the two bodies of the Bibas children match and that they were murdered with terrible cruelty and as to whether Shiri's body sent by Hamas does not match the findings and that it is not her body 💔



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