As regards the quality of the translations from Arabic that the BBC relies on with respect to Israel, I am reminded of the testimony of Sir Richard Evans at the failed libel action David Irving brought against Deborah Lipstadt and her publisher, Penguin Books, for calling him a Holocaust denier. Evans noted that although Irving was a capable translator of German, that he and his team found systemic errors made by Irving that invariably were made to absolve the Nazis of committing a genocide against Jews, leading him to believe that these were not "honest" errors. It has also been pointed out that the translations used in this "documentary" about Gaza served to whitewash praise for terrorism and terrorists. Given the BBC's long track record of pretty biased reporting of the conflict, it's hard to take any other reading of this latest disgrace other than its being an institutional problem. All of the four young Gazans were children of parents who were employed at one level or another by the enclave's ruling power, and not of the 50% of Gazans of working age who are unemployed. It takes quite the degree of naivety to think that a documentary about Gaza made inside Gaza wouldn't end up as a PR vehicle for Hamas.

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Sometimes a dog whistle is just a dog whistle … in fact usually in the case of criticism of Jews, sorry, Israelis, sorry Zionists

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Another excellent article, thanks!!

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Yup. And those facts show that there is no genocide, just dishonest ignorant mentally ill fantasists and morons like you repeating a lie. It's hilarious how retarded you are.

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Those who claim parallels between Israel & the 3rd Reich never see parallels between Hamas & the 3rd Reich.

As Ms Churchill is so interested in Jews, perhaps she could write a play about the 7th October 2023 & it's continuing aftermath.

She could start by interviewing the survivors, if any of them are willing to talk to her.

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Sorry. No facts. Just bloodthirsty fantasists and dishonest poseurs like you repeating the same tripe and nonsense. It's hilarious how you and all the other pro-Islamist anti-Palestinian morons insist that everyone else must share your delusions. No thanks lunatic.

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The idea that Palestinians should be condemned for conflating Jews with Israel is utter nonsense.

The apartheid state of Israel which is currently committing genocide in a Gaza, calls itself the Jewish state?

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Hilarious. Same old lies. Yawn. Not a genocide. Not apartheid. Not by any metric, measure or historical example.

It must be exhausting to have to lie about everything to justify your support of an Islamist religio-fascist death cult like Hamas.

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The evidence for everything I’ve said is in the public domain and not difficult to find.

I didn’t say anything about Hamas, Wee Man.

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Hilarious. Lies are not evidence, and adjectives are not facts you feeb. Once again, no metrics, measure or historical example offered. LOL.

Plenty out there in the public domain proving Santa is real too, isn't that right Virginia? LOL. Your mendacity and stupidity is hilarious.

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Except the proven facts are in agreement with me. Indisputable.

You’re no different to a Nazi. Simultaneously advocating and denying genocide.

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Hilarious. Another fact free post from you insisting that you got all the facts. LOL. And here those facts come -- any day now. LOL. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa, just ask @Coldaxx. LOL.

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The facts are in the public domain and easy to find.

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