This is excellent.

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Perhaps worth a mention as well, the Houthis, also serving as Iranian proxies, who received praise from anti-Israel demonstrators for "turning the ships around", kicked off their efforts to destabilize the fledgling government of a reunited Yemen in the early 2000s by attacking the small remnant of the ancient Yemeni Jewish community.

The Houthis "finished the job" of ethnically cleansing Yemen of Jews a few years ago when the last hundred were allowed to leave and resettled in Egypt via the intervention of an undisclosed Arab state, with one last Jew remaining in jail because some years earlier, he had transferred a Yemeni Jewish antiquity to Israel. (The Houthis being such great anti-capitalist heroes to the crank left, that in addition to keeping slaves, also extorted Yemeni Jews of all off their property as a condition of being allowed to leave.)

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In the kingdom of one-eyed folk the person with two functioning eyes is a fool.

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This article points out some meaningful differences between the Shoah and the Palestinian genocide but ignores a few fundamental similarities:

First is the cynical strategy of the instigators. It's questionable whether Hitler, Sinwar or Netanyahu actually hated/hate anyone but they were all masters of rousing hatred to mobilize their mass murders for no other reason than to advance their own personal glory and political survival. A time honoured method currently employed by such walking voids as Putin and the master of America's Rebublican party. Both Sinwar and Netanyahu are loathsome monsters who will sacrifice any number of innocent lives to preseve their power.

Similarly, just as Hitler was supported by brutish thugs and and a cowed and subservient public, we see that many Jews are happy to dismiss the Palestinian public as subhuman animals whose elimination will not disturb their sleep, while the general population of Israel and this present forum would rather not mention the slaughter of innocent Palestinian mothers and children but prefer to sigh about the inconvenience and ignorance of our protests against this desecration of the humanity of the victims, the humanity of those of us who must witness it and the humanity of Israel itself, an amazing and noble human experiment that has fallen victim to the oldest sucker game in the book--politically engineered mass hatred

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Mar 14
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Shameful! Who cares about Palestinian kids when shit like this is going down!

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